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  • Sumaiya Zaman

PVS Club Fair Showcases Student Opportunities

PVS has always had lots of excellent extracurricular opportunities, and this year, it’s got more than ever. On August 17th, PVS held its annual Club Fair, a great way to introduce the different clubs and organizations available to our middle and high school students.

The event took place during lunch on the PVS basketball court, where each club’s leaders set up an information table. It was organized by the 2024 senior class, who also lead most clubs.

Despite the heat, there was a great turnout as many students came to learn more about the choices available to them, and it’s safe to say that they were not disappointed. From a Lego Robotics club to the PVS Mental Health Club, PVS has got a group for everyone.“It was a beneficial learning experience for all middle and high schoolers with many activities and clubs for different preferences,” said freshman Sandy Esmail. Crochet Club leader and eighth grader Eiman Siddiqui echoes her sentiments saying, “the Club Fair [was] a really good way for people to learn about all of the clubs at PVS, and I enjoyed talking to everyone about the Crochet Club and what we do.” Similarly, senior–and leader of not one but multiple clubs–Aribah Morshed says she can “definitely attest that this fair had a huge turnout for every club I’m a part of.”

With all these positive results, it’s clear that this year’s club fair was a success. We hope the next one will go just as well and will inspire students to get more involved in the PVS community and beyond.

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