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  • Minha Alam

Panther Pride in Action: Crochet Club Launches Beanie Drive for a Cause

Pleasant View School's Crochet Club has organized a heartwarming initiative called Beanie Drive. This artistic project seeks to provide affection and love to people in need while simultaneously promoting the art of crochet.

The Beanie Drive is a challenge that is not just a simple appeal for contributions. It encourages PVS students to get involved and give back through spirited competition. The aim of the Drive is straightforward but effective: produce the greatest number of handcrafted beanies. As an extra bonus, those who make the most beanies through the drive can win a prize.

  All of the beautifully crafted beanies will be given to a children's hospital to cheer up and comfort people going through difficult circumstances. Every beanie represents kindness and community from the PVS community.

In order to make participation easier, the Crochet Club has placed a special donation box in the school office. It is recommended that those participating place their beanies in a bag labeled with their names. At the end of the drive, the club will count the beanies and decide who created the most.

Everyone of all ages is welcome to participate in the Beanie Drive challenge, both within and beyond the school. This means that not only PVS students can support this wonderful cause, but parents, teachers, and community members can do so as well. With the drive ending in the first week of February, participants will have plenty of opportunity to display their generosity and creativity. The PVS Crochet Club hopes the community will work together to turn the Beanie Drive into an example of Panther Pride in action.



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