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  • Sumaya Sultan-Ali and Rawaha Iqbal

Beyond the Brochure: Prestigious Universities Visit PVS Students

College application season has begun, and students, teachers, and university representatives alike have been busy in preparation for the upcoming school year.

On Tuesday, August 29, there was a Consortium College Visit at the Hilton Hotel, where counselors from Rice University, Pomona College, Emory University, Cornell University, and Washington University in St. Louis provided opportunities for juniors and seniors to learn about their different college options.

PVS’s college counselor, Ms. Jennifer Cartwright-Alejo, said it would be a great opportunity to let counselors “attach a face to a name.” The consortium ran from 6 pm to 9 pm, which deterred some students from going, but the event proved to be beneficial for students who attended.

When asked what she gained from the visit, junior Fayo Bushra stated, “It allowed me to consider more college options out of state.” Many PVS seniors were able to develop a better understanding of each of the colleges and obtain specific information on topics such as student scholarships, and other details that couldn’t be found from a Google search.

Another highly anticipated college opportunity arose for students on September 11, with the first college visit of the 2023-24 school year from Rhodes College. Rhodes is a local liberal arts college especially recognized for its great pre-med, pre-law, and business programs. The Rhodes admissions counselor, Mac Trammel, talked about scholarships, the implications of removing affirmative action, internships, and job/grad school placement rates in Rhodes.

These college visits help students see what they are signing up for by attending these colleges, especially in their costs and requirements like housing and classes. Meeting representatives from prestigious local colleges like Rhodes gives students insight to shape their high school journeys. For example, after hearing that Rhodes generally accepts AP scores of 4-5 for credit, students who want to go to Rhodes would take more AP courses for credit.

Having colleges visit also highlights benefits one wouldn't see otherwise, like extensive scholarships, research, internship opportunities, and alumni networks.

With college application deadlines quickly approaching, make sure to sign up for more upcoming college visits and opportunities!

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