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  • Yasmeen Mannan

Getting Back to the Books: The PVS Library’s Response to the Pandemic

One of the special features of PVS is the library - a place where students and teachers alike can go to study and to check out books. The library has always been an essential component to our learning at PVS, and since our return to in-person learning, even more students have taken advantage of everything the library has to offer.

Mrs. Melanie Halimah, the school librarian of five years, said that the return to in-person learning has caused a surge in the number of books being checked out regularly. “In the month of September alone, we have had 2,500 books checked out,” she said. The student turnout at the library has been tremendous. There are regularly scheduled library book checkout times for grades 1-6 and the remaining grades visit the library during lunchtime.

The library has undergone many changes since the pandemic started, such as getting new book shelves and new books, as well as other cosmetic improvements.

Halimah said that Mrs. Angela Alomari, a former PVS English teacher, really helped to build up the Young Adult section of the library through her splendor recommendations in the genre. There have also been new additions in the graphic novel, fiction, and non-fiction sections.

Recently, Pleasant View School was awarded a $2,500 grant from the Dollar General Foundation, a generous gift that Halimah said will be put to good use for improving the library. For instance, a special section in the library was newly added in dedication to non-fiction books about the Uyghur Muslim community. “In the future, I hope to have books that represent all of the Muslim communities both for lower and upper elementary,” she said. “I am currently seeking funds to build up the Islamic books. Two books written by Dr. Omar Suleiman have been added based on his excellent Ramadan series. I am hoping to add the new books by Sheikh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as well.”

If you haven't gone to the library yet this year, definitely go check it out.

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